Testimonials Archives
"I had the amazing opportunity to participate in your recent presentation at the YMCA in Danvers. I had come with several pictures of my Dad and his high school ring in hopes of having some contact with him. The picture I most wanted to use was one of him holding me as a toddler; but, my mother had written our names on it and you clearly stated you did not want names. So I gave you his graduation picture instead. I was nervous that because he had died 32 years ago, his spiritual presence might not be strong....he was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident when I was 8 years old...I have long been interested in learning more about spiritual connections, but in all honesty, feared that if I learned more it might take something away from the comfort I have always had from my personal experiences and the beliefs I chose to hold about the importance of dreams, lost items suddenly surfacing in unexpected places, etc....
When my sister-in-law told me about a recent experience she had with you, I just knew the time had come to look deeper into the possibility of spiritual connections...I am so grateful for the experience with you. I was blown away with how connected you seemed when you spoke with my mother-in-law. As much as I believed before I walked into that room, it is awe inspiring to see it happen...
When you were talking to the woman after me, you said she should expect to receive a 'tazmanian devil'. I had written that down on my list, because in addition to all the other things you said to her that had meaning to me, my husband called my middle son that when he was two as a nickname for his high energy level and chaos creating nature. One of the things that you said to me that did not have immediate meaning was 'Lake Winnepasauki'. I thought that was where my dad may have gone hunting; but, my mom said he hunted farther north in NH. However, the day after I saw you, I had to take my son to a birthday party at a roller skating rink. I decided to stay and let my other children roller skate, too, even though it was a school night. As I was standing in this dark roller skating rink, a man walked in front of me in a big, bulky gray hooded sweatshirt and stopped momentarily, looking behind me. I noticed him because he walked unusually close to me. It was rather warm in the building; but, he had this enormous sweatshirt on. Printed across the front of his sweatshirt were the words 'Lake Winnepasauki'. He walked around behind me and stopped. I turned to look at him and again he stared past me. It was then that I realized he was standing just under a floor to ceiling painting of the 'tazmanian devil' on the wall behind him at the end of the building. It was the only recognizable character painted on the wall and it was very large. In addition, that morning, when my husband was walking out of the back door to go to work, he found a 'tazmanian devil' stuffed animal sitting in our playroom window. It was one of those toys from the claw machines at arcades. One of the children had won it some time before; but, we had not seen it recently. If I had not been to see you, none of those things would have had any meaning for me, but that day, they had tremendous comfort and meaning to me...in one small picture, you and my dad gave me a deep sense of comfort and I really wanted you to know how grateful I am."
Katie, 11/24/2006
"I wanted to write you quickly to thank you for last week's reading...at the time of my reading, I think you intimidated me a bit. Plus, I was the first person you started with, so I wasn't sure how I should behave and I was a little overwhelmed. However, after I had a chance to review and to think about all that you said, I realized that there were more startling revelations that did not occur to me at the time. The first thing you mentioned was 'St. Lucy, eyes, glasses' - my husband died suddenly without cause in the den watching TV. My daughter, Daniela, was in her room reading when she had a funny 'feeling', and got up to check on her father. When she realized that something was terribly wrong, she immediately called 911 and shouted for me. When I ran in the room, the first thing I saw was that his eyes were open and his glasses were askew. I removed his glasses and at the hospital, after the priest gave him final absolution, I closed his eyes.
Another thing you said was that he showed you the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which at the time, didn't mean too much to me except the ties to my being a Catholic. As I mentioned, he died suddenly and without cause. After he died, it wasn't until that evening or the next day when the funeral director, a friend of ours, brought the death certificate to me. It showed that he had died of 'coronary artery disease' and that he had this illness for 1 year. This was not true...my first thoughts were what if he had a genetic disease that could be passed to my children? Why did a healthy male, with no prior chest pains or heart problems just suddenly die? This tore me up for months. Although people tried to reason with me that healthy people die of heart attacks all the time, I wanted to know for sure. I didn't want the opinions of others. When you said he showed you the Sacred Heart that to me was the sign I was looking for. The one that confirmed that he died of a heart attack. You have brought me peace. Not that I will get over the fact that he's dead; but, after 4 years, I know that for whatever reason, his heart gave out...Angelo himself telling me this was how he died. For that I will be forever grateful to you.
You also confirmed that whatever I've done in the past four years concerning my life and those of our children, he approved - you've confirmed, through him, that I am doing the best I can...(this was another huge issue for me). You have put my mind at ease by providing proof that he is still with us and though painful, he'll always be there, watching over us.
I wanted to let you know that, for me, you are the real deal and that I appreciate and am grateful for the opportunity to have met you."
Teresa, 11/27/2006
"On Friday night, my family and I met with you. You gave me amazing information about my father who has passed on. You predicted he would send me a sign of an eagle. On Saturday night, I was looking for a t-shirt to go to bed in so I reached into my boyfriend's stack of t-shirts. When I looked at the one I picked out, the back and front of the shirt had an eagle on it.
Also, you had told my aunt to play a scratch ticket with a "7" on it. So she did on Sunday afternoon and won $50.00. I can't even tell you how amazing I felt after my reading. I guess I just wanted to say thank you. I've missed him tremendously and for those few hours, I felt like I was with him again."
Melissa, 12/11/2006
"Linnea came to my house for a message reading and 6 of us met with Linnea (I am the youngest of 8 children). Our parents have both crossed over. My brother, although skeptical, wanted to affirm his son's 'imaginary friend'. My dad passed when the boy, Robert, was 18 months old. As early as the child acquired speech, he began to talk to his friend 'Jack'. Jack was my dad's name. Jack would have Robert ask to have a place set for him at dinner. At times, Jack showed up in the car and Robert would have conversations with him about things that he wouldn't have known or remembered. One night, my brother took his 2 boys and his wife to the Rainforest cafe for dinner. Robert said, 'Oh look, my friend is here'. My brother and his wife looked for someone familiar from their neighborhood or school. Robert informed them that it was Jack and he was holding his little brother. My brother questioned his son to find out that Jack was about 7 or 8 years old and the baby was an infant whose name was William. My dad's baby brother died as an infant when my dad was 7 or 8 and the baby's name was William. Linnea retold the story to my brother and confirmed that my dad was around and watching out for the boys whom he was very close to.
At another earlier meeting, I gave Linnea a watch that belonged to my mom who has crossed over. Upon holding the item, Linnea began singing 'there once was a girl who had a curl right in the middle of her forehead'. This is a song my mom sang especially for me when I was upset. At the end of this amazing reading, Linnea leaned forward and firmly said my maiden name. Even she was surprised at the force at which this name came through. These things along with many other affirmations have given me such peace knowing that my parents are with me and my family always. Linnea is truly gifted!"
Katrina, 1/7/2007
"I first met with you one night in October, 2005, at a friend's home with my sister. As we heard you pull up, I moved around the table because I didn't want to be first since I didn't know what to expect. After you had sat with us and explained everything to us, you asked for me to be first. From the moment you started rubbing my Dad's watch and talking with me, I was overwhelmed with you and in a total state of awe. You began naming all of the members of my family - present and in spirit. You gave me messages from them. The most important message I was waiting for, of course, was from my Dad who had passed eight years before. You asked me why he was showing me the Taj Mahal and then said he is saying, 'Come live with me. Come grow old with me. The best is yet to come. I'm with Mary' (My Grandmother). Later on, he said, 'My name is Tim'. That's when the tears started. I knew he was there and speaking to my Mom and wanted her in spirit as well. I didn't want to tell her and lose her too.
You told me I would get something from the spirit - something from him - a yellow rose. Within a week I received a yellow rose on a card with 'St. Bernadette's picture!'. You also asked me what was the meaning of July 7, and I told you that is my birthday, which is just another example of the many, many things you told me which were true. One of the most amazing things, however, in addition to my Dad speaking to my Mom through you and I, was when you saw an August anniversary and a passing.
Last month on December 10, I was thrilled to meet with you again because in August there was a passing - my mother on the 25th. You truly have an amazing gift, and I feel so fortunate to know you. Everything you said to me this time as well is true. For example, after seeing the passing and that it was my mother, you said, 'In some families when a parent dies, there is a lot of turmoil. However, there is Harmony in life now - financial - emotional.' My response was, 'Linnea, you don't know how true that is. My brother really hasn't spoken to my sister and I for more than 30 years. All of a sudden, having watched us care for my mother this past summer, he's very close to us.' It really is amazing. You made me feel so much better about my Mom when you said she said, 'I'm with Tim - there for always. Love from Tim.' And Dad said, 'I couldn't have lived without her. I don't have her strength.'
Thank you, thank you, Linnea, for letting me spend that time with my parents and realize they are happy together and at peace."
Gail, 1/9/2007
I had the pleasure of meeting you the week of Thanksgiving. Your readings were phenomenal! Every one of us walked away with the feeling that we had been in the presence of someone who has been given a powerful gift and I thank you for sharing it.
You told me that I would be getting some lilies of the valley by Christmas Eve and that they were being sent by my husband who has passed away. I waited and kept my eyes, ears and senses open as you did explain that it might not be the flowers themselves but a perfume with that scent or a picture, card, etc. Christmas Eve came and went without my lilies of the valley; but, it was still on my mind. On January 12th, I was at a candle shop with one of the women that was at the same reading with me a few weeks back and we were picking out candles that were on sale because they were the Christmas stock and they were trying to get rid of them. My friend found one, picked it up and smelled it. She said to me, 'This is lily of the valley'. Well, as you can imagine, we both looked at each other, and knowing your prediction, we both knew it was meant for me. How were lily of the valley candles mixed in with Christmas candles? Not a coincidence. I now have my lilies of the valley and I cannot tell you what peace and joy I feel every time I look at that candle. I have not yet used it; but, I will when the time is right. Thank you again and God bless."
Kathy, 1/12/2007
"Dear Linnea, I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful session I had with you and my close friends Saturday night. It was a first time for all of us and we were all very touched by how honest and forthcoming you were. You've helped us all with questions and concerns we've had.
A personal thank you from me for connecting to my grandparents. I didn't realize it at the timebut I know my Nana and Grampy had come through, too. My Memer'e had said that she's with the oldest. Well, I thought it was my mother; but, it was my uncle. He had passed away almost exactly a year ago and I had not had any contact with him since I was one years old, when he left. I'm glad to know he is with his mother.
I had a very good talk with my mom about your reading and alot of names and places you talked to me about made sense after talked with her. Thank you so much again for bringing more peace into my life. I will definitely keep you in mind, pass your name along to my loved ones, and keep you in my prayers. You've helped me with alot of questions, now answered, but some still remain. I'm sure they'll be answered in time. You are an inspiring person and it was a pleasure to meet you and for you to spend time sharing your stories with us."
Heather, 1/15/2007
"My name is Jackie and I met with Linnea twice last year. The first time was in July and it was amazing what came through the wax. There were two fetus' that came through and were very prominent. There were the letters B-O-Y that stood out also. I have had two miscarriages and I believe they were both boys (or maybe that is for my future).
The second time I went to meet Linnea was in September. My brother died in July and I went to Linnea to try and get in touch with him. In the middle of her reading to someone else, she said 'Yolanda!'. That was my mother's name. My brother being the impatient person he had been all his life, I believe, wanted me to know that he was there. This was an amazing reading! Linnea said 'Mickey Mouse' from him. I had no idea what that meant. Then I remembered that he gave me a collectible book of Mickey Mouse when I was only 7 years old which I still have to this day. She also said I would get something in the mail having to do with him. That same night, my other brother got news that his son was the beneficiary to my brother's life insurance.
Jacqueline, 1/21/2007
"Hi Linnea, it was good to see you Saturday night and, as always, a great reading. I have to tell you that when my grandmother came through, she had said something about the glow in the dark rosary beads. The next day at work (I teach in a Catholic school), I was handed a box full of glow in the dark rosary beads to use when I teach the children. I almost died right there!!! Thank you so much again for a wonderful reading. Thank you from me, and my daughter, Dani."
Mary, 1/23/2007
"I've actually had the pleasure of two readings. During the first reading, you immediately stated that you didn't want anyone to mention names. You picked my friend first and during her reading, asked her who Elaine was, well my name is Elaine and I was sitting across from her. We've been friend for 38 years. During my reading, you asked who Donna was, and that was her name! That blew us away because no one had mentioned names nor did we make eye contact when you did mention our names.
My grandmother came through during my first reading and you asked me if she was a religious woman because she was showing you the book of faith. A year later, my great-niece was born and her name is Faith. You also asked if I had purchased real estate in Maine. I had just bought a travel trailer and placed it in a seasonal campground in Maine. You also asked if my husband had a motorcycle, I bought him one for his 40th birthday. You asked who Kristin was. That's my daughter and she was very close with my grandmother.
During my second reading, my godmother came through. You asked me why she was holding pearls and singing the song 'At Last'. You said pearls meant a wedding. I had no idea. You also asked me who Jean was. Jean is my mother and they were extremely close. You also said she was showing you Beaver Brook. Again, I had no idea what that meant. You said she would come to me as a white butterfly. I had never seen a white butterfly nor did I think they existed.
Shortly after my reading, I was driving home from a job interview (which I accepted) and saw a sign that read Beaver Brook. A few weeks later, I was standing outside of my new office building on my cell phone and the biggest whitest butterfly fluttered right past me! I almost dropped my cell phone. My godmother's daughter also saw a white butterfly while she was picking weeds in her garden. She also had never seen one before.
Several months later, I was doing my bills and came across my notes from my reading. I called my mother to share it with her. I mentioned the white pearls and the song 'At Last' and told her I had no idea what that meant. My mother said, 'Oh my God, your sister called me yesterday and said that she picked that as her wedding song'. I hadn't shared my reading with anyone in my family, so that was unbelievable. What was even more unbelievable was one day, I got into my godmother's daughter's car and she had the Etta James CD. I saw it and told her about my reading. She told me that she bought that CD for her mother because she loved that song and sang it often during the time she was sick with ovarian cancer."
Elaine, 1/24/2007
"I have had amazing experiences with Linnea with every reading she has given me! She is an amazing individual who has been blessed with a special gift. The first time I met her, I was 7 months pregnant with my first child. We had never met before, she didn't know my name, my family, etc. I didn't say anything to her about what sex the child was nor when the due date was. She absolutely nailed everything! She knew the sex of the baby, her due date, the actual date she was going to be born on and what I was planning on naming her.
She also said that my husband was going to have success at the G.E. My in-laws and I were in total shock because no one else knew that he was in school for machinery and trying to get into G.E.
The other recent experience I had was when we had a party with Linnea at my aunt's house. She told me that I was going to receive or see a pink elephant with its trunk up. It was going to mean good luck and/or that I am heading in the right direction. The next day, I was sitting in my living room with my sister-in-law telling her all about my reading. I came to the part about the pink elephant and no sooner did I say it, my sister-in-law and I both look to the left and realized there was a pink elephant piggy bank with its trunk pointing up! A while later, I was cleaning up some of my daughter's toys and noticed one was a pink elephant with its trunk up! I'm telling you, she is good. Anyone that can make my macho husband a believer and get him all choked up is the real thing!
She also told me that within 18 months, we are going to have a little boy and move into our own house. So I'm crossing my fingers and I will keep you updated. I just want to thank Linnea so much for using her gift and not letting what other people who don't believe in her get in the way of her ability!"
Janelle, 2/17/2007
"I wanted to tell you that your night with our group in January was unbelievable! I couldn't believe how well you connected my Grandfather and I. You told me that he would be sending me two pink roses.Two days later, I went to go visit my Grandmother in the hospital and in the window was a vase with two perfect pink roses.
You also mentioned the song "Over the Rainbow"; but, I couldn't figure that one out. Later, in speaking with my aunt, she told me that my daughter, Grandmother and her always listened to a version of that song every time they got into the car. I did not know this.
All the names you mentioned were his sisters and brothers that have passed on. There were so many other connections that I made after our meeting that it took my breath away. It was such a reassuring feeling. Thank you so much. I know I will be seeing you again."
Joi, 2/19/2007
"I have had 2 readings done at my house with Linnea. The first reading was in December. Ihad been seeing a spirit in my house and I later found out that there was a deep sea fisherman who raised his family in my home about 20 years ago. I contacted the fisherman's family and invited two of the children and two of the grandchildren to the reading. The children of the fisherman were not working with the spirit connection as he was trying to communicate with them. They were not verifying any of the information he was giving them. All of a sudden, as you started to say my last name (which you had no idea that was my last name) the lights went out. I got up and looked out the window to see if the street lights were off as well and I noticed everyone else had power. I took a candle and went down the basement stairs to check the fuse box and found that the main breaker switch was off. I turned it back on and began to head upstairs. I felt that I had stepped on something and when I looked, there were four fresh but dead herring fish. One was on the table under the fuse box and the rest were at the bottom of the stairs. I guess the fisherman wanted his children to realize that he was really trying to communicate with them. It was the most amazing experience I, along with everyone else that attended the party, had ever had.
The second reading I had was on 2/15/2007. You were very frightened by our dog. About half way through the readings, the dog went up to you and rested his head on your lap. You relayed to us that he told you he was rescued and that he liked his new home. He also told you to not be afraid of him. You had no idea that my sister had found the dog by the side of the road 2 weeks prior to your visit to my home. No one claimed him so we kept him and he has made himself quite comfortable in my home now!"
Erin, 2/26/2007
"My friend had told me about Linnea and I decided to go ahead and seek her out for my own first hand account of events in my past, present and future life. To say the least, Linnea did not disappoint.
My sister and I sat and listened how my sister's daughter, my niece, who has been unable to conceive a child, would not only receive the gift of a child, but also carry her own baby. That was Friday night and on Monday morning, February 11, 2007, my niece called to let me know that she had in fact been given the gift of a child. A mother had given birth to a baby boy, and immediately left the hospital without him. My niece has become Liam Thomas' mother. During my reading with Linnea, I was also able to reach out to my brother who had died in an accident years back. My brother was born on February 11, the same day Liam came into my niece's life. Through Linnea, my brother communicated to me that a Mighty Mouse would also come to me. I was so skeptical because it was something that I never thought I would see again, since it was so long ago in my childhood. I was shopping in Walmart one afternoon to buy some mascara and decided to go through the clothing department, which I never, ever do. While I was looking at one of the racks and was about ready to leave, I turned in the opposite direction and in front of me was a t-shirt with a Mighty Mouse on the front. Needless to say, I bought the shirt.
Thank you for giving me the ability to communicate with my family. I find great comfort knowing my loved ones are at peace."
Laurie, 3/1/2007
"On June 14, 2006, I had a meeting with Linnea. One of the things she said was my husband (in spirit world) was going to send a tweety bird to my son. I never mentioned this to my children and on July 5, 2006, about 8 of us were standing in my backyard and coming from the front of the house flew a bird and landed on my son's head and then flew to my other son and landed on his shoulder. He kept going back and forth between them and not to anyone else. I looked at the bird and realized it was a cockatiel. Knowing it had to belong to someone, I called the animal control officer. When I was on the phone, I looked down on the floor that was outside the outdoor shower and saw the shape of this bird in the water - even with the feathers sticking out from the top of his head.
We brought the bird in the house and he had the best time flying around and resting on their shoulders. I found an old dog create to temporarily house the bird and my sons were the only ones the bird would allow to put him in the cage. We did all types of searches trying to find the owner but came up empty. When the weekend was over, my son took him to his home in Cambridge. He would put him on his shoulder, walk out the door, drive to his office, and walk in with the bird still on his shoulder. This went on for 2 weeks until one day standing out in his backyard with the bird on his shoulder, my son tossed a bottled into the garbage pail and the noise startled the bird and off he flew over the houses.
I suggested he call the animal control officer and sure enough, someone had found the bird in the park across the street. My son was thrilled to get Denny, the cockatiel, back especially since he represents a message from his Dad."
Randi, 3/1/2007
"I had a party at my house in February. I had people there that wanted to experience it for themselves. Some people were skeptical and others were not. My brother, Tommy, was read and our brother who passed in July came through. He was saying 'Dockside' and was giving a thumbs up and smiling. This was my brother's favorite restaurant that he went to often. Tommy was brought to tears and was amazed with what Linnea had to say.
I had another friend there, who was skeptical until he was read. He broke down crying over things that were said to him. His wife's uncle came through for him. He wanted Linnea to say Punxsutawney Phil and February 2nd. Well, his birthday is February 2nd and he has a collection of Punxsutawney Phils. He is obsessed with them! This just about sent my friend over the edge. He broke down and could not believe everything he heard that night. He left my house a believer and said there is no way she could have known all that information. Linnea has the gift. Thank you, Linnea!"
Jackie, 3/14/2007
"First, I must say 'Thank you'! I am writing to tell you about my after experience from your reading. We met at a friend's house during a snow storm a few weeks ago. I went into my reading not saying who I wanted to come through for me. So I was completely open to whatever was going to happen. You told me her name was Jessica and you gave me her birth date (February 18th) TO THE DAY! You were able to tell me the month that she passed away (October). You asked who collected angels (I do). You told me that Jessica would be sending me 'an angel with a horn'. I did not go home after my reading and stayed at a local hotel, due to the weather. So I told no one about my reading. I went home the next morning and found no one home so I was still unable to share my experience from the night before. When my husband got home, he dropped a brown paper package on my lap. I had a funny feeling in my stomach. I opened the wrapping and inside was AN ANGEL WITH A HORN!
It was a cow angel with two horns on its head! I started to cry and shake. My husband asked what was wrong and I told him about what you had said the night before regarding Jessica and what she was going to send me. He, of course, said I was full of ----! So I took him to the kitchen and showed him my notes from my reading and there it was - collect angels - getting angel with horn from Jessica. He was floored and all he could say the rest of the day was an angel with a horn!
Linnea, this happened after we spoke last week about writing this testimonial for you. But during my reading, you also said that Jessica wanted me to see the movie 'Ghost' again. This past Sunday, I was doing laundry and what fell out of someone's pocket but a movie stub. It said 'Ghost' on it. I know that it was from one of my family members that had gone to see the movie 'Ghost Rider'; but, it doesn't say that on the ticket. It just says 'Ghost'. I can't wait to have another session with you!!"
Susan, 3/29/2007
The Miracle of Miranda - Testimonial told by Linnea
In February, 2004, I went to conduct a psychic party in Ludlaw, MA. The person who booked this was unknown to me. I was met by her at the exit and followed her to her home. Upon entering her home, I immediately sense a dog in spirit. He told me to mention theWestminster Dog Show - which had actually begun that day in New York (that morning, as I was preparing to leave for Ludlaw, the dog show had been mentioned on the Today Show). He also showed me that he had won a prize in Madison Square Garden.
I relayed to the hostess what the dog had told me. She confirmed that he had indeed won at the show and showed me a picture of him receiving his prize. As I looked at the photo, the dog told me to mention Secretariat, the great race horse. The hostess then stated that while receiving this prize, the judge had said into the microphone, "Behold, the Secretariat of dogs."
The animal mentioned the name of his breeder and spoke of his progeny. He said that one of his pups, a daughter, would win the same prize he did. The hostess stated that she didn't think that particular dog had been entered into the contest in New York. I also told her that the dog in spirit, Magic, said this daughter would win that prize.
Magic also stated that they had a small amount of DNA which, in turn, would breed this female winner. It would take three times; but, it would result in a female pup. Magic said that they should name her Miranda and that she would be the champion that he had been.
I left to return to Boston and upon my return, the hostess called me. She had received a call after I left and was informed that Magic's daughter, Emmy, had indeed been entered in the dog competition in New York, at the last minute. She won her father's prize!
Emmy was bred three separate times. Twice it had failed; but, the third time, she was successful. She whelped on October 1, 2006 and had 2 males and 1 female. The hostess now has Miranda, whose birth was predicted in February, 2004, by her father in spirit, Magic.
This is Miranda, Magic's Daughter

"I wanted to take a quick minute to write and tell you how my experiences with you have been so eye opening, to say the least. I will admit that my first visit was with a few friends as a tag-along. By the end of the night, I knew I was addicted and my mouth was hanging open with amazement. I have been a 'believer' but after my experiences with you, my faith couldn't be any stronger!
One of the most memorable moments was at a private party with 5 friends who were equally amazed! You hit many things for each of us but one of the most incredible connections you made was when you read my friend's brother. Their father had died suddenly when they were young. My friend's brother hadn't graduated from high school yet. Years later, he found the girl he would later marry, obviously not someone the father would have met due to his early death. You said to him, 'Your father knows you're married and he approves of her' and at that point, it he even looked to have tears welling up. You then proceeded to tell him that the father knew about the 2 children and gave their names! The room was pin-drop silent! How can someone say that you were guessing at those facts or that you could have overheard all that? As I said, I was always a believer as were the others in the room; but, each and every time we see you there are more things that leave us in awe! I could go on and on from all the things you have told me personally, as well as my friends, which have come true. We now feel like you are a permanent part of our future! Please know that there are more of us 'believers' out there appreciating your true talents - you are truly a special person with the ability to touch so many in such wonderful ways!"
Cheryl, 6/12/2007
"On April 29, 2007, I was at my friend's home to see Linnea. When it came time for her to read me, she stated that I would be receiving Mickey Mouse ears as a gift from my mother between May 5, 2007 and May 8, 2007. I have to say I was skeptical about this for I am 40 years old. Well, on May 7, 2007, I went to my friend's house for dinner and afterwards, she gave me a pocket book to take with me on my trip. When I looked at the pocket book, I noticed that on the front stood Mickey Mouse with his ears. I can't explain the emotions that ran through me: excited, sad as well as shocked that Linnea had actually seen this gift coming to me from my mother. I was unable to take a picture of this; but, trust me, this is the honest to God truth. Linnea, I can't thank you enough for speaking to me and putting me in touch with my mother. I miss her terribly. However, after speaking with you, I feel as though she is at peace and safe. Thank you so much."
Christine, 6/13/2007
"I had a reading done on Saturday, April 28th, over my friend's house. During my reading, you had mentioned three words: June, Lake Winnipesaukee and American Indian. At that time, I had no idea what all of these words meant. Well, needless to say, I found out soon enough. My boyfriend had planned a trip to Bike Week in Laconia, New Hampshire (Lake Winnipesaukee) and while driving through town, I stumbled upon a statue of an American Indian. This blew me away! Unbelievable! I simply can't wait for the other parts of my reading to come true. I will keep you posted. Thanks so much!"
Jackie, 6/19/2007
"I have had two readings with Linnea. The first time, it was done at my friend's house. I didn't bring anything with me, not even a picture. Linnea started saying that she was being brought to Route 1, Saugus, Spinelli's Restaurant. My godmother's last name is Spinelli; she passed away last November, suddenly. She also asked who Florence was, and that was my godmother's first name, Florence Spinelli. She asked me who Sal was and that is my godfather, Florence's husband. She gave me the name Carmella, Camille, the month of September, the month of March, Sebago Lake in Maine (none of which meant anything to me). I am fortunate enough that my godfather is still alive and living in Texas. I emailed him and explained that I had had a reading. I asked him to call me so he could either confirm or deny the names, places, months, etc. that I wasn't familiar with. He called me first thing the next morning and said that Carmella was Florence's best friend from when she was 8 years old. September was Florence's birth month and March was their son's birth month. The Sebago Lake meaning was really different in that when Sal, Florence and my dad were teenagers and living in Everett, had gone to Sebago Lake with 2 other friends one weekend. Both the friends had unfortunately drowned at this lake.
At my second reading, which I had at my house this July, my deceased boss came through. Linnea mentioned that I'd receive pink roses and that it would be a sign from him. Las week, I had my dearest friend Simb (my pet for 13 years) put to rest. That was on Wednesday, July 25th. When I came home later that day, the mail was on the table. I opened an envelope looking for a donation which also contained pretty labels with my name imprinted on them. Behind the labels was another sheet of stickers full of beautiful pink roses. Those were my roses! She also said the name William. His name was Willard, but he went by the name Bill. Needless to say, when new acquaintances met him as Bill, they always assumed his name was William. He also gave her the name 'JJ'. Willard had 2 sons, Jared and Joshua.
She said that something would be named after him. He had a canoe named after him at the college his youngest daughter attended in NY. She told me I'd get news on July 23rd, 24th or 25th. I was approved for Social Security Disability on the 23rd. Linnea also said that his death was a 'surprise'; he didn't get to finish things since he thought he had more time. Willard died on the Charles River, as a member of the BU Crew Team, at age 71, unexpectedly. He did leave things unfinished, a very special item: he never finalized his will. Get this: he was an attorney and I his devoted assistant for 20 years.
It's things like that makes you believe that she does have a beautiful, ever so special gift. It's very selfless and giving of her to share her gift with all of us."
Mary Anne, 7/31/2007
"I would like to thank you for the gift of connecting me with my father and for the incredible recovery of my German Shepard's hearing through your prayers. Each of my sessions with you have delivered the most powerful and detailed confirmation of your truly gifted talents in connecting with deceased loved ones. Your connection with my father who died in November, 1995 has given me the confidence and strength to know that he watches overme and my children. Testimony to this extraordinary gift is the night I met with you in February, 2005. I was a victim of abuse and going through great difficulties in getting separated from my abuser. Before I left my house that night, I was emotionally broken. I walked into my son's room and saw a purple synthetic flower on the floor. Not knowing how it got there, I picked it up and squeezed it. I thought to myself that I just wanted a sign that my father watched over me in this terrible and troubled time in my life. I placed it on my nightstand and prepared to leave for our meeting. I had only met you once before and considering the day I was having, I was hesitant to go. But I put on my 'happy face' and left. This meeting was one of the group sessions so I waited for my turn. You immediately had a connection with my father and began to tell me that I had a great deal of dental pain a few months back. I said, yes, I had for six weeks been on pain killers and gone through three surgical procedures for an abscessed tooth. You continued to tell me he was pointing to his heart, and was telling me to display his purple heart. He had given me his purple heart many years ago. Unfortunately, I had not seen it in years because I had misplaced it. You said he wanted me to look at it and I would feel courage and strength, and like the great pain I endured with my tooth, I would get through this current struggle and pain. Then you said he was asking about a purple Hyacinth flower in my hand. I told you that I had had a purple flower in my hand before I had come to see you that night. I didn't know what kind it was until you described it. I knew then my father truly watches over me. The following morning, I went into the office in my house and there on the bookshelf was the rectangular purple box with my father's purple heart inside of it. It was a miracle, I had not been able to find it in years and there it was so clearly displayed. To this day, I have the heart and flower in a safe place where I can go and hold them when things get tough for me.
In the Summer of 2006, I met with you again, this time at my house for a private session. My sister was in town and wanted a chance to meet with you as well. I had only one question on my mind that day, and that was to know if my father watched over my son, whom I worry so much about. Again, you began to say my father was saying 'pond'. You kept insisting 'pond, Walden Pond, Thoreau, the poet'. Yes, my son only two days prior to seeing you was at Walden Pond in an ice storm. I had worried about him so much that day and I kept praying that my father would keep him safe. You said he was in a picture that my son had taken that day. I told you that my son had indeed taken a picture that day and that there was an orb of light next to my son. You told me that was my father, the circle of light was my father. I have that picture in my room now.
Most of all, I want to thank you for praying over my German Shepard's ears. During that last visit, you walked by her as she was sleeping in her chair. You stopped and commented on what a beautiful animal she was and how she reminded you of your dog that had died some years ago. I told that she was indeed a wonderful dog; but, had been recently confirmed dear by a local vet. I had suspected it for months and was no longer able to take her out for runs without a leash as I was concerned for her safety. She seemed depressed to me, too. It distressed me to think of an animal who depended so much on sound to be living in a silent world. She is old and had had several bouts of ear infections which the vet felt perhaps with her age and the medications used to treat her infections may have contributed to her loss of hearing. You asked if you could pray over her ears and when you were done, you told me to watch over the next week or two for signs of her restored hearing. To my amazement, within a week I started to notice things that made me think she was hearing again. It continued to improve! I started to call her and she would turn to look at me. She was hearing! My children also began to notice she was responding to sound. Today, she goes out for walks with me and I can call her if a car is coming or if I need her attention to keep her safe. She looks at me now and is happy once again, I see it in her eyes, her world is no longer silent. I see her gratitude and it is important to me that you know that you have given me such incredible gifts and the only way I can repay you is only with my simple words of 'ThANK YOU', it may never seem adequate enough but it from the depth of my heart. Thank you!"
Carol, 8/10/2007
"You gave me such a comforting message last week, I just wanted to thank you. I had called you to book a date for a reading at my house for a group of family members. You and I had never met or spoke before. We discussed dates and you told me that you would call me back with a definite answer. I figured that was it. Then you asked me, 'Who is Joseph?'. I replied that he is my father-in-law. You also asked me, 'Who is Arianna?'. I could not believe me ears. I replied, 'MY DAUGHER!' You also told me that Joseph gives lots of love to Arianna!! I felt so overwhelmed, I started to cry. Arianna is Joseph's first born grandchild. He died suddenly almost three years ago. They love each other so much. He is so deeply missed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me such a beautiful message when you could have easily just ended our phone call. I'm looking forward to meeting you, Linnea, and receive a full reading."
Jeanne, 8/13/2007
"In January 2005, I was at my sister-in-law's house and I met Linnea for the first time. I was very surprised and happy with the results. There were 4 members of my family there that night. I knew something that no one else knew. My father-in-law and brother-in-law came through and told us about a baby in July. I knew that my daughter was going to have a baby in August, but because it was a difficult pregnancy, I hadn't told anyone yet. She was always told that she wouldn't get pregnant because of her medical history.
The second time I met Linnea, she had come to my home. When she came in, I told her we were missing one person. She replied, 'Her and the baby will be alright'. My daughter had gone into the hospital the previous day. The baby was born at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb, 11 oz, on April 27th. During that time, Linnea had called me and said she envisioned my daughter holding her baby in a white christening gown. It was touch and go for 3 months; but she came home healthy and beautiful in July.
At the first meeting with Linnea, she asked if I knew Victor or Victory and at the time, I did not. The baby also appeared in the wax. We now have a healthy, beautiful, blonde, blue eyed little girl named Victoria Yvonne. The first time that Linnea and Victoria met, she went right to Linnea as if she had known her before. Linnea has become a friend to her and all of our family. I am very glad to have met Linnea, she is comforting and a nice person and I believe she has a very special gift."
Mary, Victoria's Nana, 10/11/2007
"I recently sats down with you in Malden hoping to get in touch with someone I had loved very much and had passed suddenly on October 5th (three weeks before I met with you). He was my husband whom I was married to for 21 years. He was also my best friend. You sat with his picture and immediately started telling me things and asking me about different names. So much information came out that I couldn't write fast enough but luckily I did tape record our meeting
One thing that stood out was that you told me you saw Lillys of the Valley with a white rose. You told me he was going to send them to me. The following weekend after my reading, my son came to my house with an old friend of his. They asked me to babysit her daughter so they could go to the movies that night. His friend's daughter was a beautiful little one year old girl named Lily Rose. I held her and played with her all night and it was the best night I had had since his passing.
You also told me he was saying someone was getting a tattoo to honor him. You said it three times. You mentioned a tattoo with an angel. Well my daughter who was turning 16 asked me today for only one thing for her birthday which was on October 26th. I had told her yes but since she was too young, I didn't think it would happen. An old acquaintance of the family flew up from Florida who just happened to do tattoos. He also just happened to have done my husbands tattoo when my husband was only 18. He agreed to do my daughter's and said he would draw something up for her. She did get her tattoo! I have attached a picture of it! Although not a complete angel, it does have the angel wings and it most definitely honors her dad!
Another thing was before my husband died, his brother who is a minister and very devout Christian would talk to him over and over about believing in Jesus. My husband didn't want to hear it or would just agree with him so he would stop talking about it. You asked me who Jon was. That was my husband's brother and his message to him was to tell him, 'Jon, I know'. That was such a relief to me and all his family. You have no idea. When my husband and I first met, I always told everyone it was love at first sight. I said it when we met and I said it until the day he passed. I also believed we were soul mates. He also felt that way as well. You told me that day he had said 'Love at first sight' over and over again. I know he was there with us that day in the room and knowing that has helped me so much. Although I am still grieving, I am sure I will see him again someday because of his message to his brother.
There were so many things that came up as well like a trip to Vermont that you saw around my kids possibly. At the time, I had no idea what this meant until I talked to my son the next day. My son who is 24 years old, met a girl that lives in Vermont and he has been secretly planning on visiting her. I had no idea. You also mentioned red hair and freckles. Well sure enough, he showed me a picture of her and she has red hair and freckles! You said my husband sends his love to Cathy, Angie and Mary. He has 6 brothers and sisters and you had listed 3 of them!
All I can say is thank you soooo much, Linnea. I hope to meet with you again with some other family members in the near future. I hope they can feel a little bit lighter and be more at peace the way I felt after leaving you that day. You truly have a gift and thank you so much for sharing it the way you do."
Julie, 10/30/2007
"Linnea, my family and I can't thank you enough for the message we received from our loved one. My noni meant so much to me and I know it was her that you were communicating with. When you mentioned Ave Maria, I just couldn't believe it. That was the song we played at her funeral because she loved the Blessed Mary so much. You mentioned bingo and I can remember going to the senior center in Medford with her to play bingo withall of her friends when I was little. Some of the dates that I did not validate right away were validated when I spoke with my mom. You named exact birthdays of my aunt and uncle, who were my grandmother's older children. You mentioned our house in Medford that my grandmother was looking for and she was looking for it because it was burned down and no longer standing. The 'Sabatino' reference you made I later found out, was very close sounding to a nickname that my great grandmother used to call my grandfather. She used to call him 'Sabatidu', which sounds like Sabatino. The reason this is such an extra blessing is because my grandfather passed away the day after our reading. I remember the first card that I pulled out of the deck was the death card....and I knew it was for him. But the second card was very comforting because you said my grandmother was relaying the message that there is no death, but life goes on for eternity and that comforts me now that I am mourning his loss. I just cannot thank you enough for your very special gift that you have. You are a wonderful gift from God to have the ability to speak with our loved ones that have passed. It was so nice to finally meet you and take part in such a special event. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart".
Jennifer, 11/20/2007
In October of 2006 I attended a session with Linnea at the Salem Council on Aging. She was unknown to me, at the time she gave me the following information: she knew my husbands profession, she knew I had two children and that I lived half the year in Turkey and half the year here in the United States. She told me that I had an adolescent granddaughter and that she would soon have a baby sister join the family. I thought Linnea was referring to my granddaughter not believing that I would have another grandchild. Linnea knew that it was my daughter’s second marriage and that there was music around the husband (he is a composer). It is now January 2008 and my new baby granddaughter was born Nov. 22, 2007.
Linnea also told me that my mother had given me a brooch and that my mother who is passed away wanted me to wear it, I had never worn it until now I wear it all the time.
When the prophecies came to be I was very emotionally moved and now believe Linnea has the ability to reach the unknown.
Tolunay Kolankaya
January 2008
Hello Linnea,
I met you last night at the Marblehead Community Center for a reading; thank you for taking such special time with and care of me. I was very comfortable, and I am sorry that I did not recognize some of the names you mentioned. But not to worry – I have to say that I already believe, and I thank you for taking my belief to the next level. I wrote the names down anyways, and I am positive they will come to me. Sometimes thinking about death is so scary, and sometimes I worry that I will be alone, but I won’t be, will I? that is especially comforting.
Just last night you said that my Cousin, Michael, would give me a gift of blue M&M’s. Well, here it is the VERY NEXT MORNING, and I have my story. Every Friday my company buys breakfast for us. One of the gentlemen who brought in the first “half” of my breakfast was in the kitchen and noticed that we were out of plates. So I volunteered to find them for him. I went to the receptionist, Sarah, to greet her and ask if we had any paper plates. In greeting her, I relayed my reading as she believes (I had not mentioned your name, but I will get to that), and so she walked with me to the storeroom as I told her about the blue M&M’s. On our way back with a stack of plates, the other “half” of breakfast came in the door. I asked to help by bringing the breakfast to the cafeteria, as Sarah and I were on our way there with the plates.
We entered the cafeteria, and Sarah dropped off the plates and left, and I put the three boxes on the table and stayed. I decided to open the boxes, which I NEVER do because I don’t eat donuts, and in the first box of Dunkin’ Donuts that I opened, in the front of the box, was a chocolate frosted donut with BLUE M&M’s!!!!! I have attached a picture, albeit I ate a bite first. J Why is this even more significant?
I have NEVER seen a donut with M&M’s on it, and neither had my co-workers, and it was the ONLY donut, out of three boxes, with M&M’s. It happened on a day dated 1/11 – anytime anything good happens in my life, I always see the number (whether it be a time, date, a sign, etc) 111 or 1111. Sarah was so amazed, that she asked me who did the reading; when I said your name, I found out she had a reading with you as well- which I did not know.
My cousin was a chef, and he died of an infection due to Diabetes complications. He loved food, especially the sweets he was not supposed to eat. My Italian Catholic family showed love through food. How appropriate with a gift of a donut. Even though I am on Weight Watchers, I ate the donut with the Blue M&M’s – the gift from my cousin, from heaven, from Salve Regina my mother, and enjoyed my blessing.
Thank you and God Bless, Linnea. Thank you for helping all of us in this world, for dedicating your life to help, guide, and heal. You are a true gift from heaven, and may blessings rain down from heaven on you.
I look forward to receiving my Cinderella slipper!
Lisa Thorn
January 2008
Good Morning Linnea,
I had a reading with you this past August 2007. My fiancé had passed on Easter Sunday of the same year. He had told you that he would be sending me something of Romeo and Juliet in January. I just received it today, January 24th 2008. A woman that I worked went on a small errand last night for Valentine’s Day cards. She said that one drew her to it and she couldn’t stop staring at it. She said to herself, “This is Kathleen’s Valentine.”
The card read, “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. . . Song of songs 6:3.” It also had a single red rose on the front.
No one would understand the meaning of this but a few people. Those few would be the artist that tattooed the exact same saying on my back in Hebrew with a cross and a single rose, you, and myself. I got this tattoo in memory of him. He had asked you who was getting a tattoo in his memory and I told you it was me. Only at that time I had no idea what it would be of. My tattoo was just completed two short weeks ago and he sent me this card to show me he is and always will be with me.
This was my second reading with you and I cannot thank you enough for helping me to receive these little fits from family members who have passed. It is so comforting to know that they are still with me. You have a beautiful gift and I cannot ever thank you enough for sharing it with me.
Kathleen DeYeso
January 2008
Hi Linnea,
I saw you at a party at my friend’s house almost a year ago. You kept on mentioning a white elephant with its trunk turned up. I didn’t know what you meant. Someone else in the room said that it was probably for her. I dismissed this and continued to listen. You told me I would hear of someone going to Ireland. You also told me I was going to buy a house on a street that began with a J. I have been living with my parent’s apartment for over a year and a half and had no intentions of purchasing a house anytime soon. Well when I got home I reread my notes. As I looked up staring me in the face was a white marble elephant with its trunk turned up. My parents had gotten it from Mexico when I was little. My elderly next door neighbor passed away. He had four children. One of his children had just returned from a trip to Ireland. (A girl I have known since childhood.) She was supposed to buy her family home. Then one day in November a sign went up saying that the house was for sale. My husband came home from work and said why don’t we buy it? Two weeks later, the house was ours. Did I mention that I live on Jefferson Street? Our friends in the neighborhood call us the “J Street Posse!” Thank you for all of this. I feel that my brother is always with me; and having you to keep us connected is very precious gift.
Thank you
February 2008
I have seen you twice, and some of my family members have seen you at other times, and I have to say that we are astounded at what you were able to tell us… First, I saw you in August of 2007. You brought through my some Uncles, some Aunts, and my Grandfathers. You told me the name of my current boyfriend, and told me when a proposal could be coming up (to date, the time you predicted has not come about yet, so I will update you as things continue to occur). You told me his address! You told my sister that you saw a nursing cap (she is currently studying nursing)! You recalled past boyfriends of both cousins and me, not only recalling their names, but giving us the peace of mind that they would stop bothering us. Plus so many more occurrences…..
The second time I saw you, you were able to bring forth my recently passed grandmother. The things you told me were amazing. She brought up jewelry, the fact that I was I first born, and you said that I would be receiving a pair of “Cinderella’s Slippers”. Well, a few weeks later, one of my students handed me a picture she had made for me, and low and behold, it was a picture from a Disney coloring book of Cinderella in her glass slippers. You also told me that a colleague would become pregnant with a baby girl. My co-worker recently found out she was pregnant and it was indeed a girl. You also predicted Irish twins for my boyfriend’s family. This was in November. These twins would be associated with the letter “M”. Well, at Christmas dinner, my boyfriends cousins (they are the newly married sisters) announced that they were both expecting, due dates 2 weeks apart. These are only a few of the amazing things that you have predicted that have come true for my family and I. We look forward to booking with you again in the future to update you on your predictions. Thank you.
Kristin in Winthrop, MA
February 2008
Dear Linnea,
I had a reading with you last Wednesday night. I wrote to thank you for the most wonderful and amazing gifts I have ever received in my whole life; a visit from my mom. My mom passed in September 1987. I brought a piece of my mom’s jewelry with me, and you held on to it throughout my entire reading. You told me that my mom told you to tell me that she sent her love to Maureen, and before I could respond, you told me that Maureen was my mom’s oldest child. This is indeed true. You mentioned to me where my mom had grown up, with specific street names. You also mentioned a bracelet that my mom told you that I had; a bracelet that one of my children had made for me with pictures of my children’s faces on it. Now, may I mention that I was not wearing that bracelet? You described that bracelet exactly. The most amazing thing of all…an the most precious part of this gift… my cousin’s daughter had died just 2 days prior to my reading.. This had never been mentioned to you, or anyone else that was present in the room. Her name was Kerry, You told me that my mom told you to tell me that Kerry was with Anne; in fact, specifically, that she was walking with Anne. She also told you that Kerry was dressed in blue, and was surrounded in light blue. Now Kerry’s grandmother’s name was Anne, who died several years ago. Also Kerry unfortunately, had never walked a day in her life, as she had the misfortune of being born with spina bifida. Also, Kerry’s casket was light blue, and she was wearing a light blue sweater as well, which was Kerry’s favorite color. Because of you giving me that gift from my mom, I was able to deliver part of that gift to my sister, and then, give the gift of Kerry’s ability to finally walk, and be with her grandmother to her entire family was the gift of all gifts. Kerry’s funeral was very sad, as you would expect, but as I sat in church, and looked up at the altar, and saw the angel dressed in blue looking down on all of us, I had a feeling of contentment, I know that Kerry is at peace, walking, and with her beloved grandmother. Linnea, from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of Kerry’s family, we all thank you for this most wonderful gift you have given all of us. God bless you.
April 2008
Dear Linnea,
I would like to share this testimonial on your website.
You came to my house in Wakefield, MA in December 2006. It was your second visit to my home. My youngest sister Kelly had passed away suddenly in July of 2005 and you connected with her. It brought my family great comfort. When you came in Dec ’06, you read three children from our family. This is the experience I would like to share:
Linnea came to my home in December 2006 to read my sons and sisters. This was her second visit to my home, and I liked the first, it brought us great comfort and gave us hope. My thirteen year old son had been anxious to meet you and connect with my sister who passed away suddenly at the age of 27. Being young, he was also nervous. As soon as the reading began, you made it clear that he had messages waiting for him. You called him to the seat next to you and I began to write, recording what you said so he could refer back to it someday if he wanted too. The first thing that you communicated to him was “Saint Anslems College”. I remember it very clearly because that college means nothing to anyone in my family. He was in the 8th grade at the time, so again, it meant nothing to us and no one in the family had ever even been Star Team for our town. They were a strong team and made it through several though series, father than any other team from our town has ever gotten. The team was crowned Eastern Mass State champs and we waited for word on what the next step was. The call came from his coach on August 2nd: We were headed to the New England Babe Ruth Title series and the open ceremonies were to be held at Saint Anslems College!!!!!
That is no coincidence! It was very clear to me and my family that the message was meant to be heard and as Linnea so clearly has told us, “Watch for it”. We watched for it and it came to us. Thank you for your gift.
The Lyons Family
September 2007
I met Linnea about a year and a half ago and I am going to another reading with her this week. My grandfather came through to me in our first meeting. He mentioned Lesley University and said I was studying Special Education. I nearly fell off my chair! I was 3 months away from getting my Master’s Degree through Lesley for Special Education. He said he would send me a peacock to show how proud he was of me. Several months later I was online looking for a site about gymnastics for my daughter when my screen was filled with the image of a peacock!
Linnea also told me I would be seeing Mariah Carey in New York to which everyone in the group laughed as I cannot stand her voice. I am also a divorced Mom of twins and could not see me having the time or money to go to New York. Almost a year later I was asked to go on a day trip to New York with my aunt and her best friend. I asked my best friend to come along. We were having a great time and the reading was not on my mind at all till we were waiting in line at Madam Trousseau’s wax museum and the viewing screen they were showing a wax figure of Mariah Carey! I started yelling “Mariah Carey in New York!!!”
I can’t wait to see Linnea again!!
Linda Currier September 2007
Hello Linnea,
When I first met you back in March of 2005 I was told when I came to see you I had to bring a picture of someone that had passed on that I would like to contact. I wasn't sure what picture to bring so I brought several. Alot of aunts and uncles that had passed and I of a very good friend of mine that had killed himself at age 28. While i was waiting my turn several of my aunts and uncles names came up and I was in awe. When you finally came to me I took out the picture of my dear friend Billy. Who at 28 had killed himself. You went on and on about his family members and of his motorcycle that he loved so much. You also told me that he was reading the book of Mathew . Before my turn was done you had told me that I would recieve something from him that would be verification that I had in fact contacted him that day. You told me that I would recieve something with St. Anthony and also with an Eagle's wing and that it would be from him. In August of 2005 my Father had passed away suddenly . I had gotten a call in work and was told to come to the hospital right away. He was gone when I got there. I was so beside myself that I could not stop crying. While sitting there with my family members in the waiting area before seeing my dad for the last time I glanced down at the table with magazines next to me and there it was my confirmation of talking to my dear friend that I lost 18 years earlier. I picked it up with amazement and knew that he was with me right then and there to comfort me. It was a magazine with the title St. Anthony's Messenger and underneath it said in big letters Mathews Gospel. Also on the front was a picture of St. Anthony with a child on his back with a huge eagles wing. I brought that magazine home with me and now the front cover hangs in a frame on my bedroom wall. I am so greatful for you and for helping me reach my dear friend whom I never got to say goodbye to. I know that I dont have to say goodbye he is with me still.
Paula 7/23/08
Hello Linnea,
Just wanted to say how so right on you were about the two babies coming into my life. That day at my home when you did the wax at the end of my reading I was very nervous when you saw two babies. First of knowing that I couldn't have babies anymore. And then thinking to myself " oh no whos pregnant". But those babies did happen just one year later andmade me and the sister that shares a home with me grandmothers for the first time. I had a beautiful little girl and my sister had a beautiful little boy both exactly one month apart. They had just celerbrated their first birthdays and they are the pride and joy of our home. We really enjoy having you in our home from time to time and sharing your great stories . And most or all helping us to keep our communications to people dear to us still open.
Thankls again
Jeanne 7/23/08
Hello Linnea,
One afternoon my mom had you at our home and you had told me that my grandfather would send me pennies from heaven and when I saw these lying around that it would be from him. Well it wasnt just pennies he sent me. On the night that I delivered my son in the hospital while in labor the door to the room kept opening and shutting on its own. My mom and my aunt were in the room with me and my mom kept joking that it was my grandfather that had just passed on. She was kidding with me because I was very close to him. I just kept telling my mom Yeah Yeah! And not believing her of course. Well later on when I finally delivered my son the nurse put him right on my belly after he had come out. When it was time to take him and clean him up the nurse turned to me and said Jaclyn what is this nickel doing on your belly. I replied that I did not know it hadnt been there at all throught the labor. I then looked at my mom who said that Linnea was right your Pappa had sent you pennies from heaven! I do believe that that is how I got that nickel and that he was there to see the birth of my son. My pappa was always giving me money and I know that that was for my son. Also the date on the nickel was the date of the year that I was born. My mom had told me once when she had Linnea at the house a year before that Linnea had asked " why is your father saying Junior ?? Could you be pregnant??? My mom replied NO. Well now that my son is born my mother tells me why he said Junior. Its because my son looks so much like me when I was little and when he sneezes its always 3 times just like me. Hes is my twin right from the bald head with the perfect hairline to the sneezing to the eyes. My pappa when sending her a minnie me.
Jaclyn 7/23/08
We met with Linnea on Friday evening,November 2,2007. When scheduling this, we were unaware that this is The Day of the Dead, in Mexico. It is special celebration, where loved ones try to reconnect with the souls in the Spirit Realm. That night, we were hoping to connect and reach a family member, JD, who had passed over in 10/07. He came thru loud and clear. We were expecting the arrival of my son's first son on Monday, 11/5/07, a prediction made by Linnea a few years before. JD told us to watch these apports - the song by Eric Clapton, "Would You Know My Name If I Saw You In Heaven," and the Superman logo. Sunday night, we set our radio alarm clock to wake early for the expected delivery. What song woke up the household on Monday, early a.m.? "Would You Know My Name If I Saw You in Heaven," by Eric Clapton. We arrived at the hospital, and what T shirt was my son wearing under the hospital scrubs? A T shirt with Superman on it. And what did the nurse dress the new baby boy in when she brought him to us after he was cleaned up? You guessed it. A onsie with Superman on the front. No one had been told about these apports predicted by JD on the prior Friday night.
Dear Linnea,
I had the pleasure to meet you at the house of my great friend Kathy A. I would like to share with you a story about your reading to me.
My mother passed away 2 years ago. You said to me my mother was going to give me a gift from her of "Glow-in -the -Dark rosary beads". At the reading, I said to myself what a strange item, I will never get those rosary beads.
I was up at my antiques spot in Bittersweet Collectables in Rowley talking with the owner of the shop Kathryn . We have discussed going to Salt Marsh Antiques to shop several times throughout the year but I have never been ; never enough time. I had 20 minutes to spare so we went. Bobby at Salt Marsh is a good friend of Kathryns. Meeting him for the first time, he was warm and welcoming to me, an instant friend. He showed us around the store because I was looking for a particular item. As I was leaving I stopped to say goodbye at the counter , I looked up and there amongst several pairs of rosary beads were the "Glow- in- the- Dark rosary beads". I reached up to touch them and he said take a pair, they are free. They were glowing because he has a string of black lites hung behind the counter. What you need to know is, this happened Saturday May 3rd, on my mother's birthday. My birthday is May 4th. She always said I was her birthday gift. A gift of "Glow-in-the-Dark rosary beads" for me, from my mother, on her birthday, to me, for my birthday the next day.
Thank you,
I am writing a testimonial in regards to a group reading
that my family had with Linnea at my grandmothers house a
month back. Through the reading I was hoping to contact my
Uncle who had died in a motorcycle accident in 1998. Linnea
said that my Uncle comes to me in my dreams which he does, I
have had several dreams with my Uncle in them. At the end
of the reading Linnea told me that I would be receiving a
gift from my Uncle she said that it involved the Road
Runner, a cartoon that my Uncle loved. At the end of the
reading when Linnea did the wax the Road Runners head came
out clear as day with the beak and all. When this happened
Linnea told me that since the Road Runner came out so quick
that I would be receiving something Physical from my Uncle
soon. Well that Sunday I work at an Auto Parts Store and I
am the Manager and I opened the store Sunday morning I
walked in the door and noticed that there was something on
the floor, I walked over and it was a strip that hangs
on the side of the isle that had key chains on them. When
I picked up the strip at the top of the strip was a Mr.
Horsepower key chain which is a Road Runner, The thing is
that we were supposed to send these back to the Warehouse a
month or so before, The topper of it all is that the Clip
Strip that this key chain was on was for Harley Davidson key
chains....I just want Linnea to know that she has helped me
fill a void that I had with my Uncle and I thank her for
Thank You,
Let me just start off by saying that I was a skeptic. I'm the type of person who won't believe something unless I experience it for myself, and even then I'll examine all possible angles to see if there's any
logical reason for it. That being said, I have now changed my views on these readings.
Knowing that Linnea would be speaking to someone who has passed on in my family I decided to only believe that this was real if she were to bring up one family member. I'm distantly related to Jack Haley, the actor who played the Tin Can Man in the Wizard of Oz. I told my girlfriend that if she brought up the Wizard of Oz then I would know she was for real. An obscure reference like that would be much too
Not 5 minutes into my reading Linnea said to me - exact words - "I'm seeing Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz... does that mean anything to you?" Clearly someone was watching over me when I made that statement to my girlfriend and knew they had to say that to me in order to believe anything else she was telling me during my reading.
I now believe in this and am interested in seeing what she can do for the rest of my family who have yet to be read by her. I look forward to seeing her again and showing my family all of the things that she
showed me.
9/13/08 - T.
We met with Linnea on Sunday, April 29, 2006, at my home. I was new to this experience, and was not sure what to expect. She began to speak of my Mom in Spirit,and gave information that was factual, that only we would know. I was told many things, but, the most astounding was that my daughter would soon become pregnant, with a baby boy with James in his name. Since she was a newlywed, I doubted that blessing would come that soon. I was also told that my Mom would send me white rosary beads. I told her that I already had her silver ones, but Linnea said "Look for the white ones." The next morning, Monday, April 30, I was on my way to work and stopped at the cemetery where my Mom rests in peace. As I approached the memorial stone, I could see something on top of it. As I came closer, I saw a pair of white, plastic rosary beads on the headstone. I was quite astounded....and took a picture of them, and called her to tell her of this receipt the very next day. And, by the way, my daughter became pregnant soon afterwards and told all of us that they had decided on a name before anyone knew, Jameson. And, she is having a baby boy. My Mom came back to speak with us, and send us news of her greatgrandson and the gift of the white rosary beads.
9/08 - L.P.
I was conducting a seminar at Salem State College, when an attendee approached me. Shewas a person who has seen me a few months before, at a private function. Her beloved son had passed to Spirit, but came thru loud and clear to her at this event. He told his Mom that she would receive a medal of the Blessed Mother, with the words "Guardian Angel" on the back of it. He was quite specific, and described it to me as being about as big as a 50 cent piece, with the head and shoulders of the Blessed Mother on the front, and the inscription on the back. As the attendee approached to speak with me, she opened a box and took out the very medal that her son had described. It was exactly as he had said. She then told me that she had seen me on a Wednesday night, and Friday, she had received
a small package from a religious group, in the mail. As she opened her mail, the medal tumbled out......of the Blessed Mother, with the inscription "Guardian Angel" on the back. Her son had told her of this apport, and she indeed had received it, three days later.She told me that she was so thrilled that her boy had come back to her, and given her the hope and news of Eternal Life, and that he was always with her, with love and light.
I had the occasion to work with a local agency, and there were about 7 women who had come to participate in the my program. I always explain a little bit about what I do before I begin, and the reason is to open up everyone's vibration....I knew immediately that one woman would be the most receptive, and I did go to her with a message. I told her that I saw a ruby ring, and that I was being told that it belonged to her Mother....she nodded and I continued. Her Mother was showing me Noah's Ark....symbolic for a deeply faithful person...And, also, I was told to show her Mt. Ararat, located in the geographical location of Turkey/Armenia. It is believed that a large boat has been found on the top of Mt.Ararat, and some think that it might be the remnants of the original craft of Noah's Ark. I then told her there were two reasons for what I was seeing - her mom had been very spiritual,and she was telling me that this woman was Armenian. The lady in the audience nodded again. I told her that I was hearing a name......and I said you have asked a question, and your mom says if I give this to you, you will know that this is she. I said the name "Sarkisian"*. The woman stood up and came towards me....she was holding the ruby ring I had spoken of, and she hugged me. She said on the way over here, I asked for my mother to give a sign, so that I would know it was truly her. You did.
Sarkisian is my maiden name and her married name. She then told me that she had to leave, for this was rather overwhelming. I thanked her for coming, and she took her leave. Soon after, the director of my program ran into the room exclaiming "Ann* is downstairs in my office - beaming with joy and happiness....you gave her her maiden name and her mom's married name! No one knew that..." Shortly afterwards, I was teaching at Salem State College, a course on Metaphysics. I was explaining this recent happening....and I saw people looking at each other as I told them what had transpired. Just as I finished telling it, a woman walked into the class. I turned and lo and behold, it was Ann*. She looked at the class and said "That would be me she is discussing....and that experience changed my life. I went to my mom's grave that afternoon, and did not cry for the first time in 30 years. I told my mother that it had to be her telling Linnea those things, for she did not know anything about me." During the class, I did demonstrations of psychometry - holding the object and getting information from it. Towards the end of the class, I had gone to a yard sale over the weekend. I stopped at one sale, and for no reason, lifted up some linens in a pile on a table. Underneath tthe box around, and had each student hold it, and tell me what they felt. When it reached Ann*, she said I am picking up great faith, and remembering a bracelet my mom gave me as a little girl with good luck charms on it. I then asked her to open it up and look inside. As she did, she gasped...."It is a bracelet of Noah's Ark...." I said it is for you...you mom sent me this apport for you.
I have seen her at another program, and she has framed the bracelet, it hangs in her living room, over the wedding portrait of her beloved parents.
She confided that she shows everyone who visits this amazing gift sent to her thru me, from the Spirit World. A shining symbol of great faith, and the truth that the Soul is truly Eternal.
I first met Linnea in the spring of 2004 when I was invited by a co-worker to join as a guest at her home for a reading session with Linnea. This was not my first experience with psychic/spiritual readings; as a matter of fact, I have had many over the course of my life. I must say that I have never met anyone quite like Linnea. She is an amazing woman who is very gifted in her ability to communicate with the spiritual world and is extremely dedicated to making sure she is using her gifts to help other people.
I firmly believe that my father who passed over in 1987 was responsible for our paths crossing. My father had been a non-believer in this sort of thing most of his life. About 12 years before he passed, through a series of events, I was the means of getting my father to a medium for a reading (which he never would have done on his own). It was this session that made a believer out of him. The last reading I had prior to meeting Linnea was about six months before my father passed over. Why had I gone so long without a reading? I am not really sure. I know I hadn’t actively sought out someone to read me, nor had the opportunity presented itself until the invitation to my co-workers party. As we sat around the table, it was no surprise to me that Linnea had chosen me to be the first one read as she could sense I was very open to her work. I will never forget the first words spoken by her that night. She said to me “you don’t do this very often” and my response was “not for the past seventeen years” and she responded by saying “he wants to know what took you so long”. I couldn’t help but chuckle because I knew immediately that my father was present and he wanted to know why I hadn’t tried to communicate with him before this time now that he was in spirit. That was just the beginning of an amazing first reading with Linnea. One thing after another kept coming out and she was hitting the nail on the head every time.
Since that first reading, I have been read by Linnea two more times. Each reading, Linnea continues to give me factual information pertaining to my life as well as predictions of future events including my sons’ weddings and the births of grandchildren which have all come true. There are two other stories which I would like to share with regarding apports which Linnea told me I would receive.
During my second reading with Linnea she had told me that I would be receiving a piece of jewelry in honor of the birth of my first grandchild. She didn’t know if it would be a bootie or what it would be; but, it would have a diamond on it. My granddaughter was born about two weeks later and about four weeks later I received a necklace from my husband (who knew nothing about the reading). The necklace was of a mother and child in yellow and white gold with a diamond at the base of it. Interestingly enough, the necklace had also appeared in my wax reading that night.
During my third reading with Linnea which was in August, she had told me I would be receiving something with cardinals on it. My girlfriend from Arizona had come to visit for a weekend in December. We had spent the day at her family’s Christmas party and before we parted ways that day she handed me a Christmas gift. Upon opening the gift, I discovered a figurine of a Snowbaby and sitting on the Snowbaby’s hat was a red cardinal as well as another red cardinal sitting in a nest.
I feel extremely fortunate that Linnea has entered into my life and through her I have been able to communicate with my loved ones who have passed over. I do believe that they are our angels watching over us and they are there for us whenever we need them.
Donna 4/18/09
My reading with Linnea was an incredible experience like no other! Linnea has a most amazing, yet unmistakable gift to connect with souls who have passed. She told me right away that my Grandmother was present and had told Linnea that she better have been the person to come through and talk with me. What Linnea didn’t know was that the evening before, I was talking to my friends about how I wasn’t sure if I wanted my Grandmother to come through or someone else, so when my reading started that way, I was convinced it was my Grandmother.
My Grandmother also asked about some of her personal belongings that were special to her and there is no way Linnea would have known of those items. I asked my mom about them later, and she had them all and knew exactly what I was referring to! She also knew I worked in finance, that I was on the right track, and by March I would be in a good place financially. March is when we get our reviews and my boss has reassured me on a few occasions he is going to take care of me financially at review time. I had also been toying with looking for a new job, so getting all of this reassurance from my Grandmother has made me feel better about my current position.
My sister will be married in NH in June and she commented on NH and June and said it would be a beautiful wedding!
Another point where she totally shocked me was when she asked, “Who is Lynne”? Well, Lynne is my mom, also my Grandmother’s daughter!! My step brother passed away years ago and I was hoping to connect with him, and one of the last things Linnea asked me was, “Who is George”? Well, he is my step brother! It was such a great feeling to have messages from both of them and know they are together and at peace!!
She told me lots of other things that have yet to happen, one being a wonderful man entering my life. Needless to say, I am anxiously awaiting all of the good things she told me! I will keep you posted as I don’t have any doubt that they will happen as Linnea said!
Thank you again Linnea for sharing your remarkable gift with us! I am so looking forward to my party so I can see the expressions on my friend’s faces!!
Heather 5/08
I first met with Linnea last summer August 2007. I was trying to reach my brother, who I lost too soon and unexpected. During my reading Linnea told me a lot about our past that only my family would know. Linnea mentioned a song my brother was singing “Jesus loves me…” This is a song we learned in CCD when we were kids and I made my brother sing it at Christmas time, being the bossy older sister. The next day I was walking my dog and in light blue chalk (my brothers favorite color) on the sidewalk in large writing it said “Jesus loves me..”
That was my start to many unbelievable gifts I received from my brother. During my reading last August 2007 Linnea also told me my brother wanted me to meet the “right” guy, she told me he said he was a match maker and that he was going to set me up on a blind date with the man I was going to marry. She said his name would be Christopher, he would be a Plumber and there was something about Iraq. It sounded to good to be true. But two weeks later my neighbor told me she wanted to set me up on a blind date with her cousin Chris. Usually I’d never have the guts to go on a blind date but, I decided to go. So that weekend Chris (Christopher??? ) picked me up and I thought…maybe this is my match maker date from my brother. As Chris and I were eating I asked him what he did for a living he said “I’m a Plumber.”
So than I asked him if he had any brothers or sisters and he said his brother is in the air force that he was over in Iraq. I was in shock… I knew this guy was THE ONE before we finished our appetizers.As the night went on we were really hitting it off, so I took a risk and I told Chris that night all about Linnea and my brother and how she told me he was setting me up with a Chris, who was a Plummer and something about Iraq. He thought it was great and we have been happy together since that day. 1 year! The best gift my brother could give me. Since than, I’ve seen Linnea twice. Each time I receive more amazing information about, my brother and my family. Linnea told me I‘d get an angel and Pluto (Disney dog) from my brother. This Christmas my little sister got me an angel from the school store and on my brothers birthday Chris and I were sitting in my room and I told him that it would have been my brothers 23 birthday. Two minutes later the angel was lighting up and since the room was dark Chris and I both noticed it. It was amazing, it looked like tinker bell’s white light just lighting up the clear glass angel. A few weeks ago I went to Disneyland with my family, and my youngest sister was crushing pennies in the Disney machines and collecting them with all the Disney charters and princesses on each flat penny. When were driving back to the hotel my sister told me I should collect the flat pennies too, she told me I could start my collection with one of her Disneyland pennies. Than she handed me a Disneyland flattened penny with PLUTO on it! She told me she wanted to give it to me because she knows I love dogs. But I knew it was a sign from my brother. I could go on forever with my amazing unbelievable stories I have about my readings with Linnea. Thanks to Linnea I know my brother is with me everyday! Thank you so much Linnea and I’m sure I’ll see you soon!!!
Niki 8/07
A Happy Postscript to this: Nikki and Chris became engaged in Dec. 2008....And, they will live happily ever after....!!!